
The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Places available in both Key Stages - for school tours or more information, please ring 01636 626 268

The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Over 70’s?

    Thu 19 Mar 2020

    We are in a position to keep our kitchen running in order to serve the needs of local residents over 70 who are being forced to self-isolate. As we mobilise as a society to provide the largest peace time war effort in order to protect our most vulnerable from this virus, I feel that we cannot close our doors and not redirect our efforts to support those most in need. If you feel you know of any local residents who would benefit from this service we want to hear from you please via our email or on the usual phone number. We will not leave anyone behind on our watch.

  • School Closure Updates

    Thu 19 Mar 2020

    Firstly, thank you for your overwhelming support at this difficult time. I have been bowled over by the outpouring of community spirit and positivity we have been shown. Please excuse the length of this as I try to capture every development in one place.


    For tomorrow, school remains open. From Monday, I have staffed a skeleton service to ensure that all children of key workers can send their children to school. I’m assured clarification of key workers will be sent to schools tomorrow.


    Work will be set in a ‘week-block’ and will be sent home via ParentMail, uploaded to the website (on the class pages & the ‘Home Learning’ page). The work will be a mixture of academia, creativity, physical activity & mindfulness. This allows families the flexibility to organise the children’s learning around their lives. Reminders will also be sent via Twitter too.


    Since the announcement about the cancellation of the examination period (this includes phonics, KS1 & KS2 SATs and Y4 Multiplication Test), we expect to be asked for evidence relating to the awarding of grades - please continue to focus on such areas of key learning; it’s going to be really important for the children to have these firm foundation skills when we return together.


    Additionally, for those who do not have home internet access, we have sent home hard copies of packs of work.


    For pupils eligible for Free School Meals (NOT Universal Infant Free School Meals), we need to know by 4pm on Friday if your child will require lunch provision. In the absence of a national answer to this at this time we are planning to ensure we meet need but want to be clear on the numbers we are serving - this might mean a lunch package being prepared for pick-up from school at 12pm.


    From Monday 23rd March we will have a skeleton staff in place and, as mentioned, the school will be open for children of key workers only. We await clarification as to who is a key worker (and whether this applies to one parent or both parents). These pupils should all enter the school through main reception in full uniform at the normal time and register in a designated classroom. School opening hours will be 8:45 - 3:30 Monday to Friday. Lunch will not be provided unless they are in receipt of Free School Meals (this is not the same as Universal Infant Free School Meals).


    Please contact us as soon as possible if you think this applies to you and intend to send your child to school so that we can plan to staff this provision. Please give us as much notice as possible in order for us to do this as the size of the task is significant in such unprecedented conditions. Please note, we will be unable to staff this skeleton service for any parents not in the specific groups as identified by the Government (tba). In addition, if we do not hear from you, we will assume you may not require this service and will plan accordingly.


    A reminder, you are asked where possible, to ensure that you keep your children at home. We have already received correspondences from some parents falsely claiming they are key workers and/or that they have no other means of childcare. Yesterday’s announcement are strict instructions from the Government, not soft advice… it is to protect and safeguard everyone, socially distancing ourselves from the harmful virus and a means to reduce its spread. It’s vital we comply to these instructions given to us by the Prime Minster for the safety and protection of everyone. 


    There will be a reduced admin team on duty from next week so please bear with us if we are a little slower getting to the phone. It may be quicker to email school: and c.c:


    I would be grateful if you would continue to keep up to date with the Public Health England guidance on Coronavirus via the website below, which is currently being updated daily: 


    As usual, I will keep you updated on developments via our website, ParentMail & Twitter: I will also ensure that our social media channels are updated accordingly. 


    As we mobilise as a society to provide the largest peace time war effort in order to protect our most vulnerable from this virus, I feel that we cannot close our doors and not redirect our efforts to support those most in need. If you feel you know of any local residents who would benefit from this service we want to hear from you please via the email or on the usual phone number. 


    If you have any questions with regard to whole school arrangements, please email: and/or


    Finally, I have been amazed by the good humour, resilience and indefatigability of the Claypole team. In asking for willing volunteers to help me remain open next week, all have stepped up! To say I am proud of them is an understatement.


    I hope that, as we navigate uncertain times together, our mission and beliefs are coming across to you that we are so much more than a school. We will not let our community and its residents down and will fight tooth and nail to protect our own, strengthen our community and save lives.

    I will stay in touch with you as I have promised until such time as I also self-isolate. In the meantime, stay safe, stay in touch and go well.


    Very best wishes,

    Martyn Wells

  • ParentMail Maintenance

    Thu 19 Mar 2020
    Parent Mail is currently experiencing maintenance issues.
  • School Closure Update

    Thu 19 Mar 2020

    Good afternoon,


    Firstly we would all like to express our sincere thanks to all those who have extended their thanks and best wishes towards our staff. Your kind words and positive thoughts have meant a lot to us all here.


    I am still waiting for clarification and updates regarding what constitutes a 'key worker.' As soon as we are told, I will let our community know so that plans can be made. We remain open for Friday.


    A reminder, as a result of this announcement I am writing to ask you, where possible, to ensure that you keep your children at home. Yesterday’s announcement are strict instructions from the Government, not soft advice… to protect and safeguard everyone.


    However, if you fall in the ‘key worker’ bracket (soon to be clarified from Government) and know that you will need to send your child to school and will need to access our service from next Monday, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can plan to staff this provision. Please give us as much notice as possible in order for us to do this as the size of the task is significant in such unprecedented conditions.


    Please note, we will be unable to staff this skeleton service for any parents not in these specific groups as identified today by the Government. In addition, if we do not hear from you, we will assume you may not require this service and will plan accordingly.


    At this time, I am still unable to elaborate until further announcements are made but, rest assured, we will all be ‘going into bat’ for all of our young people, regardless of the challenges faced.


    I realise that these are acute and extreme conditions under which we are now operating. Equally, I am conscious that it is very difficult to please everyone. I ask that you bear with us as we listen, understand and try to process what is now required of us in a tight turnaround.


    We all remain fully committed to serving our community in the best way we can. I will remain in touch for as long as is practicable in the circumstances as we navigate new territory.

    With very best wishes – stay safe.

    Martyn Wells

  • Archbishop of Canterbury’s message

    Wed 18 Mar 2020
  • School Closure Updates

    Wed 18 Mar 2020

    Dear Parent/Carer,


    I am writing to you after the Government announcement at teatime that all schools will close from the end of the week.

    I am now expected to plan to open with a skeleton staff only in order to support the community’s needs where vulnerable pupils will need care, such as those with an EHCP or those with social worker involvement – clarification of ‘key workers’ will become apparent from the DFE shortly.


    In addition, I intend to plan to ensure that those children of key workers, such as Police personnel, frontline NHS staff and delivery drivers, all receive adequate support in caring for their children during school hours, if needed.


    As a result of this announcement I am writing to ask you, where possible, to ensure that you keep your children at home. Yesterday’s announcement are strict instructions from the Government, not soft advice… to protect and safeguard everyone. However, if you fall in the ‘key worker’ bracket and know that you will need to send your child to school and will need to access our service from next Monday, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can plan to staff this provision. Please give us as much notice as possible in order for us to do this as the size of the task is significant in such unprecedented conditions.


    Please note, we will be unable to staff this skeleton service for any parents not in these specific groups as identified today by the Government. In addition, if we do not hear from you, we will assume you may not require this service and will plan accordingly.


    At this time, I am unable to elaborate until further announcements are made but, rest assured, we will all be ‘going into bat’ for all of our young people, regardless of the challenges faced.


    Our staff have come in everyday and supported our children throughout these uncertain times when lots of us are at our most uncertain. They have offered constant support and smiles and help to the children (for them and the parents)… keeping calm and carrying on. Their positive attitude towards keeping normality and furthering/continuing to develop the children through these difficult times has been amazing. I have never been prouder of our team.

    I realise that these are acute and extreme conditions under which we are now operating. Equally, I am conscious that it is very difficult to please everyone. I ask that you bear with us as we listen, understand and try to process what is now required of us in a tight turnaround.


    We all remain fully committed to serving our community in the best way we can. I will remain in touch for as long as is practicable in the circumstances as we navigate new territory.


    With very best wishes – stay safe.

    Martyn Wells

  • Government announces school closures

    Wed 18 Mar 2020

    You will, undoubtedly, have seen the Prime Minister's address regarding schools closures and the DfE's intentions around support for vulnerable and critical groups during this period.  I want to assure you whilst the detail has not been provided yet, Lincolnshire County Council are having calls with the DfE tomorrow and we will update our school as soon as possible tomorrow.


    Thank you again for your understanding, support and kindness that many have shared with us. Best wishes to you all - I will endeavour to keep you informed.

  • COVID-19 update

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    Yesterday, the Government introduced new guidance on whole household isolation in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak: 

    • if you live alone and you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, stay at home for 7 days from when your symptoms started;
    • if you live with others and you or another member of the household have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill. It is likely that people living within a household will infect each other or be infected already. Staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community;
    • for anyone in the household who starts displaying symptoms, they need to stay at home for 7 days from when the symptoms appeared, regardless of what day they are on in the original 14-day isolation period.

    The symptoms are: 

    • A high temperature (37.8 degrees and above)
    • A new, continuous cough

    The full stay at home guidance for households with these symptoms can be found here: 

    The Prime M

  • COVID-19 daily update

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    As a new school week is upon us, I thought it pertinent to keep you informed with regard to our response to Covid-19.


    As the spread of the virus escalates, we have taken the decision to cancel the ‘Mother’s Day tea/cake event’ in the Bluebirds class. The children will still bake their treats and these will go home with them at the end of the day.


    There is a strong need to safeguard children, staff, parents and grandparents and by limiting external visitors into the school will help reduce the chance of any infection source. This will be assessed on a case by case basis. However, rest assured parents/carers will still be able to keep appointments - we will urge you to use our alcohol based sanitiser in the main reception.


    I have liaised with local Head Teachers who intend doing the same in regards to limiting visitors into school as we enter new territory in order to delay the spread of the virus.


    We are navigating strange and unprecedented times at the moment. I assure you I am balancing all the available evidence on a 24 hour basis once our national updates are received from the DfE - usually by 3pm each day. As it currently stands, the Government have told all schools to remain open.


    Our business continuity plan remains in force to ensure we respond appropriately to keep abreast of latest advice from the government. This includes preparations so that learning can continue...even if we’re instructed to close.


    We have taken calls asking for our advice as to whether you should send your children to school. I have asked staff not to offer any such advice as we aren't medically qualified. If you are unsure please use the NHS 111 service.


    Please bear with us as we try to make the right decision at the

    right time and continue to ensure we provide the best service

    possible. I will continue to communicate with you as often as

    possible, even if only to inform you that nothing has changed.


    Please find an infographic below which shows the differences between

    the coronavirus, flu and the common cold in terms of symptoms.

    The latest advice from Government is if anyone in your

    household exhibits coronavirus symptoms, the whole household

    is to self-isolate for 14 days.


    I hope you all manage to have a good week. Thank you to you

    all for your continued support and understanding.

  • Today’s government’s response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) as of 2pm 16th March 2020

    Mon 16 Mar 2020

    Today’s government’s response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) as of 2pm 16th March 2020:

    Updated guidance for education settings on coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Today, the Department for Education and Public Health England have issued updated guidance for education settings on COVID-19. This guidance will assist staff in addressing COVID-19 in educational settings. This includes childcare, schools, further and higher educational institutions.

    What you need to know:

    • staff, young people and children should stay at home if they are unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature to avoid spreading infection to others. Otherwise they should attend education or work as normal;
    • if staff, young people or children become unwell on site with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature they should be sent home;
    • clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces more often than usual using your standard cleaning products;
    • supervise young children to ensure they wash their hands for 20 seconds more often than usual with soap and water or hand sanitiser and catch coughs and sneezes in tissues.

    The updated guidance can be found here:

    Current advice remains in place: no education or children’s social care setting should close in response to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case unless advised to do so by Public Health England. The Chief Medical Officer has advised that the impact of closing schools on both children’s education and on the workforce would be substantial, but the benefit to public health may not be. Decisions on future advice to education or children’s social care settings will be taken based on the latest and best scientific evidence, which at this stage suggests children are a lower risk group.



    Updates on COVID-19:

    Guidance for educational settings:

    Guidance for social or community care and residential settings:

    Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas:

    Educational resources:

    Latest Department for Education information:

  • The Claypole Church of England Primary School, School
  • Lane, Claypole, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5BQ
  • Email:
  • Phone: 01636 626268