
The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Places available in both Key Stages - for school tours or more information, please ring 01636 343 268

The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Christmas Jumper Day

We have been supporting ‘Save the Children’ for a few years now and on Friday 15th December, the charity are holding a ‘Christmas Jumper Day.’ We would like to invite the children to come to school in their Christmas jumpers that day (or something festive if they don’t have a Christmas jumper) in exchange for £1 or any small change you are able to give for the charity. Thank you.

  • The Claypole Church of England Primary School, School
  • Lane, Claypole, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5BQ
  • Email:
  • Phone: 01636 626268