
The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Places available in both Key Stages - for school tours or more information, please ring 01636 343 268

The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Young Voices

Young Voices Concert, Sheffield

Young Voices 2023 Concert, Sheffield Arena. 5038 children performing together with guest artists: The Beat Box Collective, Anna Phoebe, Urban Strides and Heather Small.

Young Voices 2024

Young Voices 2024 children's choir performing at Sheffield Arena.

Young Voices, 2024

We are delighted to be able to offer some children (KS2) the amazing opportunity to take part in the 'Young Voices' concert at the Sheffield Arena on Friday 9th February 2024.


‘Young Voices’ is the world’s largest children’s choir concert and, by taking part, the children will rehearse, and perform, a wide variety of songs and dance moves to a packed concert arena alongside their peers, children from other schools and incredible artists. It has just been announced that Natalie Williams will be one of the artists performing with the ‘Young Voices’ choir, and Urban Strides street dancers will, once again, choreograph routines for the children to perform. The ‘Young Voices’ concerts are a magical and unforgettable experience for all of the children involved.


The songs are now available to listen to and sing along at home using the Spotify Music Pack titled

'Young Voices Uk Music Pack 2024'.


Rehearsals for ‘Young Voices’ will take place, after school until 4:30pm each Tuesday until the concert in February 2024. They will also be squeezing in some additional rehearsals at lunchtime. Mr Tyrrell will be directing these sessions and will lead the trip to the concert in Sheffield too. In the rehearsal sessions, the children will learn, through the ‘Young Voices’ songs, about singing technique, singing in parts, how to sing in different styles and how to perform to an audience. The children are expected to attend each rehearsal on a weekly basis. 


More information about ‘Young Voices’ can be found via their website: 


We heavily subsidise the cost of the coach and 'Young Voices' sign up fee but there are some costs associated with participating in ‘Young Voices 2024’ and these are outlined below: 


Optional Extras: 

‘Young Voices 2024’ T-Shirt - £12 approx 

Children who do not wish to wear a ‘Young Voices’ T-Shirt will need to wear a plain white t-shirt instead.


‘Young Voices’ tickets for parents / carers / siblings wishing to attend the concert - £23 each PLUS personal travel/parking to Sheffield Arena. An order for tickets will be placed early in the Autumn term via School.


If you would like your child to take part, please return the forms below no later than Friday 29th September 2023. Places in our ‘Young Voices’ Choir are limited and, therefore, if we have more applicants than places, we will draw names from a hat. If your child has been allocated a place in the ‘Young Voices’ Choir, you will be informed by Friday 22nd September.


We hope the children who take part in ‘Young Voices 2024’ have a positive and fulfilling experience. 

  • The Claypole Church of England Primary School, School
  • Lane, Claypole, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5BQ
  • Email:
  • Phone: 01636 626268