Welcome to the Hummingbirds class.
Spring Term - Frozen Planet.
Throughout Spring Term 1 we will be concentrating on the theme 'Frozen Planet' where we will be locating the North and South Pole using maps and a globe. We will be learning about what life is like in the Artic and Antarctic and will consider how people survive in the polar lands. We will also learn about the different animals that live in each region and contrast the environment to our own.
We will focus on the Early Learning Goal (ELG) 'Understanding the World' as this unit of work links to a number of the 'Prime and Specific Areas of the EYFS Framework'. Children will begin to learn to recognise that some environments are different from the one in which they live. We will be sharing non-fiction texts that offer insight into contrasting environments and the children will share their understanding of their own and a contrasting environment through conversation and in their play.
School times: Our school gates will be open for everyone from 8:45 am with learning beginning at 9:00 am. Reception children will arrive through the small side gate (near the main reception). Our school day will finish at 3:30 pm and all children will leave through the side gate (near the main reception). Morning break is from 10:45 am until 11:00 am Lunchtime is from 12 pm until 1 pm and afternoon break is from 14:05 until 14:15 pm.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/eyfs/ Online activities for Foundation Stage.
http://www.familylearning.org.uk/reading_printables.html Printable high frequency word lists – an essential!
http://www.letters-and-sounds.com/phase-2-resources.html Phonic resources.
http://www.starfall.com/ Phonic games and activities.
http://www.ictgames.com/resources.html Numeracy games for Reception children.
http://www.poissonrouge.com/ Over 200 games, activities and animations. Great for confidence building and exploration.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w&safe=active Classroom workout
https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga Children's yoga