
The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Places available in both Key Stages - for school tours or more information, please ring 01636 343 268

The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Sports Competitions, Events & Festivals

January 2025: Athletics Competition

January 2025: Boccia Festival

December 2024: Whole School Santa Dash

December 2024: Football Match Victory

November 2024: Runners-Up Grantham District Girls Football Tournament

October 2024: Winners of Grantham & District Football Tournament

September 2024: District Virtual Cross Country (Mile Run)

Sports Success 2023/24

June 2024: County Cricket Finals: 4th in Lincolnshire

June 2024: Mini Olympics

June 2024: Cricket Tournament

May 2024: Football Tournament: Winners!

March 2024: Tag Rugby: Winners!

March 2024: Hockey: 3rd Overall

March 2024: Y6 Netball: 4th

February 2024: Netball: 3rd Overall

February 2024: Annual Pancake Race

January 2024: Winners of Athletics Tournament

January 2024: Boccia: League Runners-up

New Sports Kit

November 2023: Pudsey Run!

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October 2023: Football Tournament

September 2023: Tag Rugby Festival

September 2023: Virtual District Mile

Sporting Success: 2022-23

June 2023: County Cricket Final: Runner-Up!

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June 2023: Mini Olympics

June 2023: Tennis Tournament: Winners!

June 2023: Mixed Cricket Tournament: Runner-Up

May 2023: Girls Cricket Tournament: Winners!

May 2023: 5-a-side Football Tournament: Runner-Up

May 2023: Girls Football Tournament Winners

March 2023: Tag Rugby (League Runner-Up)

March 2023: Hockey (two teams) 2nd & 3rd

February 2023: County Football Finals: 3rd

January 2023: Athletics Tournament (Winners)

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January 2023: Boccia

January 2023: New Age Kurling

December 2022: National Santa Dash

November 2022: Mixed Football Tournament (winners)

November: Girls Football (2nd in league)

October 2022: Netball Tournament (winners)

October 2022: District Virtual Mile (Gold Award for 100% participation)

July 2022: Mini Olympic Festival

June 2022: Golf

May 2022: Cricket Tournament (KS2)

May 2022: Cricket Festival (KS1)

April 2022: Tennis Tournament (third place)

March 2022: Hockey Tournament

January 2022 - New Age Kurling

November 2021 - Girls' Football (3rd)

October 2021 - Runners up in the Grantham district for boys' football

What is the '60 Active Minutes a Day Initiative?'

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Here is a short video about the initiative and the importance of keeping active over this period.

Here is an example and a record sheet for the ' 60 Active Minutes a Day Initiative'. It is important to try and stay as active as you can over this period. Active Lincolnshire will be producing certificates for all children who complete these.

School Games Values


 The Spirit of the Games Values focus on personal excellence through competition and were developed by young people to identify what the experience of school sport should be built around. There are six values which have been designed to:

  • Provide a set of sporting values which can be embedded in school sport

  • Use sport as a tool to encourage children to develop their personal values and ethos

  • Achieve excellent standards of sporting conduct in the context of school sport 


The School Games Values which we promote in school through sport and everyday school life are:

  • Teamwork
  • Self-belief
  • Honesty
  • Passion
  • Respect
  • Determination


Full descriptions about the values can be found on the link at the bottom of the page.


  • The Claypole Church of England Primary School, School
  • Lane, Claypole, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5BQ
  • Email:
  • Phone: 01636 626268