
The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Places available in both Key Stages - for school tours or more information, please ring 01636 343 268

The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Helping at Home

We all want the best for the children. Together we are all preparing children for their future - with shared values, we can all work together to promote awareness, tolerance, respect, responsibility, diversity and a love of learning so that children can be responsible, caring and actively involved in their development.


Below are a few website links that you may feel are useful:

Times Table 'Hit the Button' game... very addictive & competitive!

Supporting children learning - 9 tips for busy parents

Articles written by practising teachers designed to help with the education of your child.

Lots of information about getting into learning.

Phonics made easy.

Helpful information on internet safety

We can offer our families a direct means of getting help with our online learning platforms such as Google for Education (especially Google Classroom). If you’d like some additional guidance or have access issues, contact us through this email address and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible to help solve any issues:

How Can I Help My Child With Homework?

Things you can do and say to your child... that will make all the difference

Spelling Lists for Year 3 - 6

Reading regularly with your child/ren helps to develop their:

• Vocabulary

• Understanding of story structures

• Sentence construction

• Ideas for their own writing

• Use of similes and metaphors


Top tips:

Choose a quiet time
Set aside a quiet time with no distractions. (You can’t compete with TV or computer games.)


Early reading
When your children are at the very beginning of the learning process encourage them to match the word with their finger as they read.  Encourage them to read left to right with a return sweep at the end to the next line. It takes a while for them to understand the difference between letters and words and 1:1 matching helps them.


Make reading enjoyable
Children will bring home reading books from class and these are really important, but don’t forget to read the books you have at home for them to read too as this will give them a great variety and instil reading as a pleasurable activity.  Choose books that children will enjoy and don’t put pressure on them to read harder books.  To find out if a book is too tricky for them, let them read the first page – if they get stuck on more than five words – choose another book.


Regular practice
“Little and often” is best.  10 to 15 minutes a day including weekends and holidays.  At the early stages of reading children need to read a thousand words a week to embed all the new information they need.


Maintain the flow
When they are reading words they find difficult try not to say the word for them: give them time to process what it might be using their phonic knowledge before giving them a clue or telling them.  Encourage them to think about what it could be.


Be positive
Give praise for what they did right, even the smallest achievement and point out in the text where they may have corrected themselves or tried to work out a word. 


Talk about the books
Allow at least five minutes after you have read the book to chat about likes, dislikes, character and plot and any interesting words the author has used.  This helps the children to understand what they have read and identify key elements of the story.  In the early stages you can retell the story together using the pictures.


Keep reading
Don’t forget we are reading all the time in everyday life.  For instance, over breakfast you can easily look at the packaging together and if your child can spot any words or phrases.  On car journeys children love to spot words and print in the environment.  Your child is more likely to read if you and your family read all read too.  Keep reading to your child, they need their bookish, enjoyable time with you to keep them motivated. 


Visit the Library
Choose from a huge range of books and ask the professional staff for recommendations.  It’s free to join and offers much more than just books.  There are story times for children of all ages, and also rhyme and sing sessions for younger children and reading challenges for older children.



Key Stage 2

Encourage skills in:

• Prediction (What do you think might happen next?)

• Discussing books (What did you like/dislike? Why?)

• Relating elements of the book to their own experience (Did it remind you of anything that happened to you?

• Looking back through the book to find clues to answers (How did we guess that was going to happen)


Learning spellings

• Look & say the word – focussing on any tricky parts & looking for patterns

• Cover the word

• Write it down

• Check it – if correct, write it again, if wrong, look at the wrong part and learn that bit again.

• Repeat over a couple of days – things usually need to be practised three times before we learn them.


Times tables

• Chant them or sing them

• Look at how it is represented using Lego bricks

• Write them down

• Make a tables grid to practise them

• Play times tables games

• Learn tricks and short cuts (4 x 5 is double 2 x 5...)


Real Maths

• Pocket money

• Cooking

• Sorting

• Measuring

• Making

Reading Fluency!

When you record yourself reading, it may help you see what areas of fluency you need to work on!

Traditional Playground Games

  • The Claypole Church of England Primary School, School
  • Lane, Claypole, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5BQ
  • Email:
  • Phone: 01636 626268