Firstly, thank you for your overwhelming support at this difficult time. I have been bowled over by the outpouring of community spirit and positivity we have been shown. Please excuse the length of this as I try to capture every development in one place.
For tomorrow, school remains open. From Monday, I have staffed a skeleton service to ensure that all children of key workers can send their children to school. I’m assured clarification of key workers will be sent to schools tomorrow.
Work will be set in a ‘week-block’ and will be sent home via ParentMail, uploaded to the website (on the class pages & the ‘Home Learning’ page). The work will be a mixture of academia, creativity, physical activity & mindfulness. This allows families the flexibility to organise the children’s learning around their lives. Reminders will also be sent via Twitter too.
Since the announcement about the cancellation of the examination period (this includes phonics, KS1 & KS2 SATs and Y4 Multiplication Test), we expect to be asked for evidence relating to the awarding of grades - please continue to focus on such areas of key learning; it’s going to be really important for the children to have these firm foundation skills when we return together.
Additionally, for those who do not have home internet access, we have sent home hard copies of packs of work.
For pupils eligible for Free School Meals (NOT Universal Infant Free School Meals), we need to know by 4pm on Friday if your child will require lunch provision. In the absence of a national answer to this at this time we are planning to ensure we meet need but want to be clear on the numbers we are serving - this might mean a lunch package being prepared for pick-up from school at 12pm.
From Monday 23rd March we will have a skeleton staff in place and, as mentioned, the school will be open for children of key workers only. We await clarification as to who is a key worker (and whether this applies to one parent or both parents). These pupils should all enter the school through main reception in full uniform at the normal time and register in a designated classroom. School opening hours will be 8:45 - 3:30 Monday to Friday. Lunch will not be provided unless they are in receipt of Free School Meals (this is not the same as Universal Infant Free School Meals).
Please contact us as soon as possible if you think this applies to you and intend to send your child to school so that we can plan to staff this provision. Please give us as much notice as possible in order for us to do this as the size of the task is significant in such unprecedented conditions. Please note, we will be unable to staff this skeleton service for any parents not in the specific groups as identified by the Government (tba). In addition, if we do not hear from you, we will assume you may not require this service and will plan accordingly.
A reminder, you are asked where possible, to ensure that you keep your children at home. We have already received correspondences from some parents falsely claiming they are key workers and/or that they have no other means of childcare. Yesterday’s announcement are strict instructions from the Government, not soft advice… it is to protect and safeguard everyone, socially distancing ourselves from the harmful virus and a means to reduce its spread. It’s vital we comply to these instructions given to us by the Prime Minster for the safety and protection of everyone.
There will be a reduced admin team on duty from next week so please bear with us if we are a little slower getting to the phone. It may be quicker to email school: and c.c:
I would be grateful if you would continue to keep up to date with the Public Health England guidance on Coronavirus via the website below, which is currently being updated daily:
As usual, I will keep you updated on developments via our website, ParentMail & Twitter: I will also ensure that our social media channels are updated accordingly.
As we mobilise as a society to provide the largest peace time war effort in order to protect our most vulnerable from this virus, I feel that we cannot close our doors and not redirect our efforts to support those most in need. If you feel you know of any local residents who would benefit from this service we want to hear from you please via the email or on the usual phone number.
If you have any questions with regard to whole school arrangements, please email: and/or
Finally, I have been amazed by the good humour, resilience and indefatigability of the Claypole team. In asking for willing volunteers to help me remain open next week, all have stepped up! To say I am proud of them is an understatement.
I hope that, as we navigate uncertain times together, our mission and beliefs are coming across to you that we are so much more than a school. We will not let our community and its residents down and will fight tooth and nail to protect our own, strengthen our community and save lives.
I will stay in touch with you as I have promised until such time as I also self-isolate. In the meantime, stay safe, stay in touch and go well.
Very best wishes,
Martyn Wells