Where to find the home learning:
Bluebirds (EYFS): hard copy sent home with the children. A copy is also uploaded onto their class page on the school website. A timetable of learning is also on their class page.
Eagles (Y1/2): A copy is also uploaded onto their class page on the school website. Falcons (Y2/3): A copy is also uploaded onto their class page on the school website.
Ospreys (Y4): Home learning document has been uploaded to ‘Google Classroom.’ The children have been sent home their gmail account information.
Sparrows (Y5): Home learning document has been uploaded to ‘Google Classroom.’ The children have been sent home their gmail account information.
Wagtails (Y6): A copy is also uploaded onto their class page on the school website. The children will also be expected to log into Google Classroom (they were sent home their gmail accounts).
The class pages also have various weblinks pertinent to the children’s age group and learning.
The ‘curriculum’ page also has lots of hyperlinks to various online learning.