
The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Places available in both Key Stages - for school tours or more information, please ring 01636 343 268

The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Disco (drop off/pick up)

The Christmas Disco is continuing as planned on Friday and tickets can still be purchased via ParentPay.  Please refer back to our previous newsletters for timings & prices. Details on dropping off/picking up are...

Drop Off: hall-side. Please can adults remain outside of the hall foyer at drop off.

Pick Up: outside main reception at the front of the school please – the lighting here is better for everyone.

  • The Claypole Church of England Primary School, School
  • Lane, Claypole, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5BQ
  • Email:
  • Phone: 01636 626268