
The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Places available in both Key Stages - for school tours or more information, please ring 01636 626 268

The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Christmas Thanks

It has been a very busy, successful term for our staff and children. In the midst of our teaching and learning, preparation for all our festivities, sports matches, performances, musical celebrations and community activities, we are mindful of the need to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

At Claypole we have fostered the true spirit and meaning of Christmas, by sharing our own gratitude for a good and secure life with those who are not so fortunate.

As ever our children and families have given generously to support numerous charities (including Save the Children, Children in Need, Remembrance and the Christmas Shoebox Appeal filling shoeboxes with toys, sweets and prayers, for less fortunate children).

Our Pupil Parliament have given their time generously to introduce & organise intra-house events. Just this week we had our 2nd event - a Christmas themed sports day!

Our PTA have continued to give their time and energies to organising and holding exciting events for our community to raise money for us to spend on opportunities for our children.

We have come to the end of a long term and the whole school community is looking forward to a well-earned rest. The prospect of Christmas cheers us and lifts our spirits away from the cold, dark weather of the season. Friday in particular, the school looked extra wonderful, with staff and children dressed in all sorts of wonderful Christmas jumpers!

Christmas has always been a magical time for me and to be at Claypole and get to share in the Christmas festivities is always extra special, particularly when we see the intense excitement on the faces of our children during their Christmas performances.

As the term draws to a close, it is with humility and gratitude that I both look back on the term and with barely restrained anticipation look forward to the holidays and next term!

I am sure that children, parents and carers would like to join with me in thanking all of the staff and governors at Claypole for their continued tremendous hard work, support, challenge and commitment to the children of our school. Likewise, we the staff, governors and children would like to thank all parents and carers for all your support. This is a successful partnership that has only one goal: ensuring the very best for our children!

Last but in no way the least, we, the rest of the school community thank our children – you are indeed some of the best I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Thank you for coming to school each day ready and eager to learn - success is the result of hard work, learning from mistakes and determination.

It’s important that as a school we continue to look outwards for challenge and support and we are fortunate to be able to work with a partnership of other Church of England schools in our area... I’m also really nosey and if there’s an opportunity to visit another school, I will... and I’m always really pleased and extremely proud to be able to return to Claypole.

Let us remind ourselves, whatever our beliefs, that this is one time of year when it is commonplace to find the spirit of human kindness alive and well.

Being prepared to think of others and to give generously is a particular strength of our school. This sense of community and generosity is, in essence, the true meaning of Christmas; and this is something that is very special about our school.

I pray for and wish everyone peace and happiness in all homes and families during this holiday season – may we all be safe and keep healthy.

We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 7th January.

Best wishes,

Martyn Wells

  • The Claypole Church of England Primary School, School
  • Lane, Claypole, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5BQ
  • Email:
  • Phone: 01636 626268