
The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Places available in both Key Stages - for school tours or more information, please ring 01636 343 268

The Claypole Church of England Primary School

Believe And Achieve: To Be The Best That We Can Be

Advent Book Calendar

We’d like our ‘Advent Book Calendar’ to return on Fri 27th Nov. The aim is for every child to receive a book during Advent. We’d really appreciate it if you could have a look on your bookshelves to see if there are any you are willing to donate to the children to read/share. 🎄
  • The Claypole Church of England Primary School, School
  • Lane, Claypole, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5BQ
  • Email:
  • Phone: 01636 626268